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Sabine Therapies
5 days ago
Attracting Your Divine Partner
Attracting your divine partner—regardless of whether you are gay, lesbian, or heterosexual—starts with aligning yourself energetically, emot

Sabine Therapies
Aug 15, 2022
The Hidden Emotions Behind Candida Albicans.
This article is inspired by a common theme in many of my female clients, So now, let's speak about the spiritual cause behind Candida...

Sabine Therapies
Jan 25, 2022
Why Protection From Negative Energy Is Not Working?
Protection from negative energy doesn't work Many people asked me about this subject quite often, if not almost every day! If you type...

Sabine Therapies
Jan 16, 2022
All Healing Is Self-Healing! Healing Happens When Your Soul Is Ready
''Healing, as in all manifestations, must come when the soul is ready. If the soul is suffering illness, at its own request, for a...

Sabine Therapies
Jan 16, 2022
Why Is Our Spiritual Evolution So Important?
Spirituality is not sticking to labels and believing oneself to be part of of a clan, club, or being enlightened". True spirituality is...

Sabine Therapies
Jul 29, 2021
Psychic Cords & Psychic Attacks Explained
Note: This is a short extract of my Mastery Empowerment classes. I felt guided to share a part of it with the general public. I hope it...

Sabine Therapies
Jul 16, 2019
Soul Loss or Alter “Selves'' and Soul retrieval-Mending the Fragments. Using Transregression Therapy
Have you ever felt, after a painful experience in your life, that you never recovered, you weren’t your “old self,” or that a part of you...

Sabine Therapies
Jun 16, 2019
Turn any dark cloud that you may have over you into a beautiful sunset
If you are having a rough time. I might tell you, it is okay to have a dark cloud hanging over you. In your society we resist darkness,...

Sabine Therapies
Apr 14, 2019
Why you’re buying things you don’t need (and how to stop!)
Why do we splurge on food or clothes when we don’t need them? When spending is like substance abuse A feeling of powerlessness, or lack...

Sabine Therapies
Jan 7, 2019
Fear of Flying - Phobias and Treatment Programs
Fear of flying is a fear of being on an aeroplane (airplane), or other flying vehicle, such as a helicopter, while in flight. It is also...

Sabine Therapies
Jul 28, 2018
Addiction is usually thought of in terms of substances: alcohol, cocaine, opioids. But it can take less obvious and more socially...

Sabine Therapies
Jul 28, 2018
The Importance of Investing in Yourself
Investing in yourself is one of the best returns on investments you can have. Whether it’s investing in learning a new skill, developing...

Sabine Therapies
Jul 28, 2018
Why You Can't Lose Weight
Research shows that 90% of people who go on a diet end up failing. Not only does this have a massive impact on their self-esteem, it...

Sabine Therapies
Jul 28, 2018
Pain and pleasure
Two things motivate people, pain, and pleasure. Pain is more powerful than pleasure. People will do about anything to avoid pain; the...

Sabine Therapies
Jul 28, 2018
Self-Hatred: The Cause of Autoimmune Disease?
“Self-hatred causes autoimmune disease, which, boiled down, is the body attacking itself.” Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Eczema, Crohn’s, ...
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