Unlock the Best Experience: How to Prepare for Your Session
The online session works just as deeply and as powerfully as face-to-face.
I have worked with clients abroad throughout the past years and every time the process has been deeply meaningful and far-reaching.
However, there are some practical differences between walking out of your home to come and sit in my therapy studio.
Below are useful tips for online, in-person, and animal sessions (find more @ the bottom of this page).
It practically creates the best setup session:
1 - Preparing your body and your mind.
It is always recommended to set your own tailor-made intention for your session, we will discuss this at the time of your session. Sit, recline or lay down in a comfortable position. Some people prefer a bed, couch, or recliner. Keep your eyes relaxed and closed, as 80% of your sensory information comes from sight. By blocking sensory input from coming into your environment, your brain waves slow down, moving you deeper into the inner world of the unconscious mind. Wear loose clothing and remove shoes, glasses, or contacts. Use the bathroom before you begin, even if it seems unnecessary.
2 - Adjust your environment.
Keep your environment distraction-free with as little sound as possible. This allows you to relax easier and for your brain waves to go into a lower frequency so you can enter into a relaxed state for your session. Have a loose blanket nearby, ready to put on or take off as needed. Allow at least one hour after eating and avoid alcohol, drugs, or excessive caffeine, which may limit the effectiveness of the session process. Get comfortable.
3- WIFI & ZOOM platform.
Find out where your wifi or mobile connection has the best reception so that you can find a spot in your home where the video meeting/call works well. Download Zoom if you don’t have it yet. (For animals please use your phone to follow it in your house). Close other computer programs on your screen, to avoid anything popping up while we work or beeping or interrupting the session or connection. Switch off your phone. Allow a few minutes of quiet before your session, so that there’s a buffer zone between whatever you are doing and the time of your session. What happens if the connection fails mid-session while you are in the session? Very simple, you will enjoy staying in your relaxed state for a few minutes quietly by yourself. Then you will naturally bring yourself back, this is simply what happens. And then you can give me a call and we will start the video again from where we left.
4- Light and sound.
I need to see you (or the animal if it's an animal session). Ideally don’t wear black, or very dark colors. If you are sensitive to light please wear an eye mask during the session it can help you to focus on your feeling, place a glass of water near you, or make yourself a cup of tea. If you have headphones, then do use them, they can allow you a greater feeling of confidentiality and bring my voice closer to you. That said, they are not necessary and the session will work just fine if you do not have them.
5 - Ending the session.
Don’t jump straight back into your work, e-mails, house stuff, flatmates, family, or partner. Allow some time and space after the session, to digest. This could be 10 min or an hour, it’s up to you. Feel free to always share any concerns, doubts, or feelings about any aspect of hypnotherapy, including the medium we are going to use, simply talk to me about it. A recording will be sent to you afterward (check your spam).
I do recommend reading the aftercare page:
When you schedule your consultation, It's important you choose a time when you are in a quiet, receptive place with a minimum of distractions. Your animals are welcome to do whatever they want, as they know when we are communicating during your session.
You can better prepare for animal communication sessions by being clear in what you hope to learn about your pet or pets, outlining any problems you are having, and coming to prepare to work.
For animals in spirit, please prepare a picture of your passed animal where I can see clearly the eyes of your animal.
Your Animal Communication consultation is question and topic-driven so I recommend you write a list of questions and topics you wish to discuss with your animal family. Don't be surprised if your pets have questions and topics they wish to discuss with you or even answer your questions before you ask them!
Don’t hold back, don’t test your pet or your communicator.
if you have an issue you want to work on—state it clearly. That way, once trust is established between the pet and animal communicator, the communicator can gently insert that into the conversation and get some verbal, visual, and even sensations that will tell you where the problem starts. This makes for a powerful animal communication session.
Chances are, if you are coming to an animal communicator, you have a problem you’d like to learn more about or solve. Why is my cat peeing on the sofa, why does my dog try to bite my hands? Unfortunately, some people are very skeptical and think it better to not mention any issues upfront. This is a waste of your time. Why? First, understand that what YOU see as an issue, may not be a big deal to your pet, so they might not mention it at all. (I hate to break it to you, but peeing on the grass versus the bathroom tile is a human need, not a dog need.)
Second, pets are very like people in that they do like to make a great first impression. Just as I am not really excited to meet you for the first time and immediately admit my Facebook addiction, neither is your dog interested in having a brand new friend know all the times he ate a shoe and got yelled at because of it.
Much love,