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Discover how to ‘tap into your Akashic Records, and learn different methods of accessing the Akashic Records. (Replay)


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Working with the Akashic Records as a tool for multi-dimensional healing and transformation of blocks to abundance. Learn about your soul group of origin, your mission, most important past lives, and the vision for the future. Clear the blocks, dark energies, contracts, and bindings that keep you stuck. 


The Akashic Records are not just a storage of information, they also contain the highest possible outcome of your soul path, the perfect blueprint of your soul. In short, the Records store the perfect version of you. And every Akashic Record reading is a spiritual activation and initiation. In an Akashic Record reading, we are able to see who you are at the soul level. At the same time, we get crystal clear on where you are out of alignment with your soul's perfection.


In this webinar, you will discover how to ‘tap into your Akashic Records, and learn different methods of accessing the Akashic Records. 


Reading your Akashic Records. can help you to:

  • Understand repeating patterns in your life and in your relationships

  • Recognize blocks in the way of achieving your goals

  • Gain clarity about challenging experiences and circumstances

  • Find your soul's purpose and life path

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are basically a record of what will happen, is happening, or has happened. Because they are a higher dimension, the rules of time don’t really apply. These Records are the energetic database of our planet, where the story of your soul is recorded. The Akashic Records also hold information on important events in history, planetary events and changes, and, to an extent, potential future paths. The Akashic Records are a high-vibrational space that is not contaminated by the energies of people or beings. They are above time, place, judgment, or the concepts of good and bad. ''The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation." - Edgar Cayce.


What to Expect in this Webinar?

This event will be informational and experiential. There will be processes to clear the pathways into the Records as well as different methods to access the information and wisdom in that matter. This event will include an attunement, processes, and exercises to access the Records.


Why is Accessing the Akashic Records Important?

It is a space where we can access information that is normally hidden from our conscious minds. By accessing this space for yourself you gain a higher perspective of your past and present challenges, your soul lessons, and soul gifts. You may also access information on your soul's chosen mission. And with permission, you may gain access to another person's Akashic Records with the intention of healing.


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