All the emotions that you repress because you cannot or do not want to verbalize, can crystallise in different parts of your body. Emotions generate physical symptoms. If you have difficulties to find your place in family or society can cause repetitive urinary tract infections. Problems with bladder control are often the result of the emotions that are attached to toxic relationships, anger, anxiety, dwelling on past issues and being pissed off, and are connected to the occurrence of UTIs and kidney stones.
It is is the same for your liver, it represents choice, anger, change, and adaptation. Alcoholism is also a disease related to these emotions: a form of self-destruction, rejection of oneself and one's life, guilt of living. Skin diseases have often been characterised by a poorly managed separation conflict, a poorly lived separation, either by the mother or the child, or the fear of being alone and a lack of communication. Anxiety, fear of the future, difficulties in expressing oneself. Impatience and annoyance at not being able to resolve an annoyance. Separation, mourning, broken contact with a loved one. All these repressed emotions can lead to Eczema.
Psoriasis: an often hypersensitive person who is not comfortable with himself and who would like to be someone else. Does not feel recognized, suffers from a problem of identity. Psoriasis is like a breastplate to defend itself. Need to feel perfect to be loved. Often a double separation conflict, or with two different people, or old unresolved conflict reactivated by a new separation situation. Feeling depressed or rejected, on edge. Protect yourself from physical closeness, or protect your vulnerability, put a barrier.
Candida Albicans: Emotionally, candida is associated with feeling victimized and includes: helplessness, hopelessness, fear of responsibility, too much responsibility, overwhelming burden, suppressed rage, lack of confidence and betrayal. Often there are underlying and unconscious beliefs, such as I am not good enough; no matter how hard I try I can’t get what I want; I’ve tried everything and nothing works; I can’t heal completely; I am not lovable, etc.
By using trans-regression therapy, you can access these repressed emotions, and heal from your actual disease.
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I am here to serve. One of my principal mission is to change people's consciousness, skyrocket your inner awakening, and raise the vibration.
Much Love,
Sabine Patricia Poncelet